Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Boombap Crailtap: a skate video hip hop mix

An 80 minute mix of hip hop and samples used on skate videos.
Mixed and chopped up with turntables and Protools. Download here: skate video hip hop mix.mp3

Thursday, July 19, 2012

entrevista con Josh Kalis acerca de patinar en parques y la calle.

Recorte la entrevista, era mas larga, pero Diego menciono que quiere patinar en la calle... Yo he estado lidiando con eso de hace como 4-5 anos... a veces pensaba que yo era el único loco, pero es obvio que los de nuestra generación les ha pegado todos los cambios que se han dado en la patineta.

Definitely. So how is California treating you? I know you tried to avoid it before. Do you find it as boring now as you did back in the day? A lot of shit’s changed.

A lot has changed, for sure. But as far as street skating goes, I’m bored out of my mind. Straight up.

But skateboarding isn’t the same anymore. I mean it’s all skating, but the skating that I like isn’t there anymore. I find myself being in the city and it just isn’t working. I go to the spot hoping for a crew of people already there to kick it with but it’s not like that anymore.

It’s funny because my chick has to keep reminding me that I also hated living in Philly those last few years. I’ll catch myself forgetting that at times. The city had changed so much. That Love era with Stevie had come to a close and shit wasn’t the same. I don’t know if it’s due to a lack of spots or what, but it’s real bad now.

I was talking to RB Umali about this a few days ago, trying to get him to bring back that whole New York thing. He had to break it down to me. He was telling me that while Manhattan is fun to skate and you can still there to get some work done, nobody has that same mentality anymore that our generation did. Nobody congregates anymore. Kids go to school now, they’re not hanging out downtown all-day like we used to.

But one good thing about living in California is being so close to everything. You know as much as I do, it’s all about content, content, content. And it seems like a lot of these indoor warehouses will be picking up the slack for those famous spots that either don’t exist or nobody cares about anymore.

I actually get excited to skate a couple of these warehouses now. Going to Black Box and skating is fun. Sean Sheffey and the Kayo guys are always there. The Transworld park is fun, too. Even the Berrics is cool. I just wish it was all outside.

But is there street cred at the skatepark? Strange as it is, that was a large component of it for our generation.

Totally. But for most of the kids I talk to aren’t interested in that. The reality is that you could use some of these free plazas as your hub and set up your little crew there… get little Stoner Park tats and all that. You could really do that.

It’s a different mentality at a skatepark. It’s this weird mindset with underlying rules where you can’t use footage there. It’s strange because I was one of the dudes that helped put these rules into place and here I am now, all these years later, dreaming about going to Stoner and being able to film. I skate those parks with my people and its fun. It’s the same feeling as those other places were but that “skatepark” mindset keeps you from taking full advantage of it… even if those rules are outdated.  

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Boyce Skatepark September 07

hahaha, se me habia olvidado esto... good times, en pittsburgh. Filmando, y el unico que le dio al pasamanos...

pat brennen - Tropical Fish

Ok, el punto es que voy a volver a patinar como en los 90's y ya! patalones enormes, tablas grandes, ruedas 38mm. Que tiempos de verdad... jamas nada sera como era esa epoca... pppppssss, ollie-late 360 shove it al final.... haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahah , NA GUEBONA'AAAAAAA, hahaha, la vaina de verdad me da risa, que barbario. me acuerdo cuando la tabla pat de las carnes llego a aero fue todo un alarido... yo nunca tuve una, siempre quize una. ese pana se murio, R.I.P.  que bolas el nose-bluntslide que "pops out" y los backside 360 ollies... osea, soy yo???  o estos panas de verdad eran de otro nivel? otra vaina que me da nostalgia, es el hecho de los AIRWALK. osea, anyes no habian zapatos de patineta, y tener unos AIRWALK era todo un orgullo... de verdad te sentias especial... RIP PAT.

Marco in the air on july 14th - 2012

Saturday, July 7, 2012


Es curioso que los ciclistas de SF son super aggros como le dan, y los carros en general estan mas pendientes de los ciclistas. en LA los ciclistas son como mas pangolas, y los carros te quieren comer vivos y escupirte a un lado...

Diego, ven a visitarme...

Tengo tremendas rampas que me arme aqui, vente a patinar. Tranquilo, cero roncha cuando estes aqui...