Thursday, January 5, 2012

Mehrathon Mixtape 2, por David Herrera AKA DJ Pixelot

Feliz ano. Tripeen esto, me parecio comico en cierto modo por las pintas de los panas de la foto;

"The Mehrathon Mixtape is a collection of influential skateboard music from the early and mid 90's.
Assembled by DJ Cosmo, the mixtape aims at taking listeners back to an underground time in skateboarding and hip hop music where big pants and philly blunts were the norm...
With interviews and shout-outs from some of yesterdays OGs and today's skateboard rippers, this is a must-listen-to." - RAJ


  1. Verga, suena burda de bien! suena como early world industries.

  2. Chequea los Pumas, eran todo un lujo en los 90s, y la marca Droors y el decolorado del pana?
